Professional & Customized Prescription Service from a trusted pharmacy and an experienced and friendly independent pharmacist.
All Drug Plans Honoured and Accepted : Ontario Drug Benefit, OHIP +, Trillium, ODSP, Green Shield, Assure Health, Claims Secure/RxPlus, ESI, NexGen, Public Servants of Ontario, Blue Cross.
No Drug Plan - No Problem - we will work with you to save you as much money as possible by making various experienced recommendations.
Free City Wide Delivery*
If you're looking for knowledgeable and pesonalized pharmaceutical care from your pharmacist, it's time to make the switch now!
If you would like to fill a New Rx, Refill Your Rx or Transfer your Rx's to us from another pharmacy, you can simply use this form below and fill in the information requested.
If you are an existing customer who wants to refill their prescription(s) or if you are a new client who wants to start receiving your prescriptions from us, simply fill in the form below and we will get your medications ready for pick up or delivery*.
New Rx - Note for emailing or scanning your new RX to us
If you have a new doctor’s prescription in your possession and would like to have it filled at Eastown Pharmacy, please follow the options below (if you are a new customer and are not registered in our computer database, please complete the top of this page leaving the Rx numbers/names of meds blank).
Send your prescription to us using fax, e-mail or picture message.
A. Fax your prescription to us at 519-974-7772.
B. To send via e-mail:
Scan a copy of your prescription using your desktop or phone app scanner. Send it to us via e-mail at etpharmacy@hotmail.com
Make sure it is in .jpg, tiff, or pdf-- we won't be able to view your file if you send it in any other format.
C. To send via text message:
In good lighting, lay your prescription on a flat surface. Use your phone to scan or take a picture of the entire prescription- make sure the entire prescription is visible including doctors’ information at the top and signatures at the bottom. Text/send the picture to 226-246-2556.
We may require up to 24 hours to process prescriptions received via e-mail or picture messages. In all cases, we will notify you as soon as we receive your prescription and as soon as it is ready for pick up or delivery.
In all of the above scenarios, you must first give us your actual original prescription before we can physically give you the medications.